
New network of silvicultural trials: El Tollo
Friday, 15th November 2024.
The MNS Technical Committee visited the “El Tollo” forestry trial located in the coastal dryland at the Ñuble region. This trial was installed by CAMBIUM in 2023 and corresponds to the new MNS trial network established to evaluate stand and tree growth responses of thinning and pruning interventions.

New Undergraduate Students: UDEC
Monday, 11th November 2024.
Camilo Varas and Rolando Hidalgo from the Universidad de Concepción have joined the MNS work team as undergraduate students under the advice of Rosa Alzamora and Julio Becker.

MNS Research Assistant completes Master Science Program
Monday, 28th October 2024.
MNS research assistant Óscar Tuero completed the Master of Science Program in Forests and Environment taught by the Universidad Austral de Chile. The title of his research work was “Evaluation of artificial neural networks for the prediction of stem volumes in Pinus radiata D. Don plantations in Chile”.

Participation in the IX Chilean Congress of Forest Sciences
Wednesday, 23rd October 2024.
The MNS made three oral presentations at IX Chilean Congress of Forest Sciences held at the Universidad Austral de Chile. The themes of the presentations were the evaluation of intensity and opportunity of thinning on stand growth, new methods for bole volume prediction and the application of artificial neural networks.

Third Advanced Workshop on the use of Growth Simulators
Thursday, 10th October 2024
The MNS held the third advanced training workshop aimed at professionals from member companies on the use and application of INSIGNE and EUCASIM Simulators. Participants were trained in the use of a module for biomass estimation, a module for growth projections under climate change scenarios, and a module for economic analysis.

Director of “Reforestemos México” visits MNS
Wednesday, 21st August 2024.
José Carlos Martínez, Director of Innovation for “Reforestamos México” visited the National Model Simulation Center (MNS). The capabilities and uses of the simulation systems developed by the MNS for the management of forest plantations were presented.

Second Workshop for the use of Simulators
Thursday, 8tt August 2024
The MNS held the second advanced training workshop aimed at professionals from member companies on the use and application of the INSIGNE and EUCASIM Simulators. This workshop is part of the annual user training program.

New centralized database management system
Thursday, 25th April 2024.
The MNS held an internal training workshop on the new database management system. This system will be networked allowing users to store, consult, validate, and manage the entire tree-level measurement information including network of trials and permanent plots and historical forest inventory plots.

Management of native second growth forests.
Friday, 12th April 2024.
The MNS Technical Committee visited the Malalcaballo property located close to Los Lagos city (Los Ríos Region). This activity was coordinated by CONAF, and the purpose was to learn and discuss about operational management experiences in second-growth forests of Roble-Raulí-Coigüe (RO-RA-CO) to guide the future development of the simulator NATIVO.
New President of the MNS Board of Directors
Thursday, 11th April 2024.
During the session of the MNS Board of Directors held in Valdivia on April 11, Mrs. Mariana Lobel (representative of CAMBIUM), was unanimously elected as new president for the period 2024-2026. The previous president was Mr. Julio Becker, representative of Forestal Mininco. Our best wishes for success to Mariana and our sincere thanks to Julio for his permanent support during his presidency.
MNS Board of Director met in Valdivia
Thursday, 11th April 2024.
The second annual meeting of the MNS Board of Directors was held in Valdivia at the Faculty of Forestry Sciences and Natural Resources of the Austral University of Chile. Along with the review of the 2024 work program, Ms. Mariana Lobel, representative of CAMBIUM, was elected as the new president of the Board of Directors for the period 2024-2026. CAMBIUM
New Undergraduate Students: UACh and UDEC
Friday, 29th March 2024.
Starting this semester, Leandro Chaura from the Universidad Austral de Chile and Catalina Orellana from the University of Concepción have joined the MNS work team as undergraduate students. Both will develop their degree work with data and technical assistance from the MNS.
Visit of silvicultural trials
Wednesday, 13th March 2024.
The MNS Technical Committee visited two silvicultural management trials for radiata pine: Rucacalquín and Nihuinco, both managed by Forestal Mininco. Based on the results obtained at the age of 20 years, the most effective silvicultural practices of pruning and thinning for high productivity sites were discussed.
New Full Member: Forest Service Provider (FSP)
Monday, 1st March 2024.
We welcome FSP Latam, a new full member of the MNS. FSP is a company that currently manages a forest plantation heritage of 34,000 ha for Forest Investmente Associate (FIA).
New Associate Member: Agroempresa Forestal Chile (AF Chile)
Monday, 1st March 2024.
We welcome to Agroempresa Forestal Chile, new associate member of the MNS. AF is a company operating in Uruguay, Brazil and Chile dedicated to the management of forestry assets and services. In Chile, the company manages a heritage of forest plantations of 5,300 hectares, mainly of Eucalyptus nitens.
First training course for CONAF
Thursday, November 9, 2023
The National Simulation Model (MNS) gave a first training course on the use of the developed growth and yield simulators to CONAF. Attendants were professionals from the Ñuble and Biobío regions and the main goal was to promote for small and medium size forest landowner an efficient and sustainable forest management in Chile.
Mexican professionals visit long-term study.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
A delegation of 15 Mexican professionals learned about the management of forest plantations in Chile. One of the visits was the Nihuinco trial corresponding to a long-term study maintained by Forestal Mininco to understand the effect of thinning and pruning on tree growth.
Workshop on Forest Modeling at the Isparta University (Turkey).
Monday, October 9, 2023
Guillermo Trincado taught a forest modeling course at the Isparta University of Applied Sciences in Turkey. This course presented the development and practical use of simulation models for radiata pine and eucalyptus sp. plantations in Chile.
Workshop on Forest Modeling
Thursday, September 14, 2023
A workshop on forest modeling was organised by the MNS and held in the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Natural Resources at the Universidad Austral de Chile (09.14.2023). This workshop was given by Dr. Ramazan Ozcelik from the Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Turkey). It was intended to provide an overview of new approaches for developing taper and height-diameter models, including mixed-effects modeling and quantile regression. Ramazan Ozcelik de la Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Turquía). Tuvo como principal objetivo describir nuevas metodologías para la construcción de modelos fustales y de altura-diámetro, que incluyeron técnicas de modelamientos de efectos mixtos y regresión cuantílica.
New Associate Member
We welcome ADForst, a new associate member of the National Simulation Model Center (MNS). ADForst is a company that manages a forest plantation heritage of 9,000 ha for investment funds. Through this incorporation, the collaborative and long-term work carried out by the MNS is strengthened.
Training of Measurement Protocols for CONAF
Monday, June 26, 2023
A training program on installation and remeasurement protocols for permanent plots was completed recently for a total of 21 CONAF forestry professionals and extensionist agents. This training program covered from the Valparaíso to the Los Lagos Regions. The activities were carried out in facilities provided by the TANUMÉ Experimental Center of CONAF (06.29.2023) and the CEFOR Forestry Experimental Center (08.03.2023) of the Universidad Austral de Chile.
New Academic version of Growth Simulators: INSIGNE & EUCASIM
Thursday, March 23, 2023
On Thursday, March 23, a new academic version of the INSIGNE and EUCASIM simulators was delivered at the Facultad de Ciencias Forestales of the Universidad de Concepción to all the Universities that offer the Forestry Engineering Degree in Chile: Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Universidad Mayor, Universidad de Aysén, Universidad Austral de Chile and Universidad de Concepción. This contribution is intended to support the academic training of new professionals in the use of modern simulation tools.
Master's Student Incorporation
This semester, Mr. Óscar Tuero, a Mexican national, has joined the MNS as a research assistant. He will begin postgraduate studies in the Master's Program in Sciences Mention Forests and Environment dictated by the Austral University of Chile. Mr. Tuero is the first student to receive due to studies granted by the MNS.
New Associate Researcher in the Statistical-Mathematical area
Dr. Luis Sánchez, an academic from the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Austral University of Chile, has joined as an associate researcher. Dr Sánchez is a Mathematical Engineer with a Master's in Statistical Methods from the University of Valparaíso (2013) and a PhD in Mathematics from the Universidad de la Frontera (2020). Its incorporation will enhance the quantitative capabilities of data analysis and construction of predictive models
Taller de Capacitación: Módulo Evaluación Económica
Friday, September 29, 2022
El Centro Modelo Nacional de Simulación (MNS), realizó un taller profesional el día 29 de septiembre 2022, cuyo objetivo principal fue capacitar a los usuarios de los simuladores en las nuevas herramientas implementadas para evaluación económica de decisiones silvícolas en plantaciones de Pinus radiata (D. Don) y Eucaliptus spp. Los instructores fueron la Dra. Rosa María Alzamora y el Ing. en Sistemas Sr. Christian Loayza.
Taller de Capacitación: Módulo Cambio Climático
Thursday, September 1, 2022
El Centro Modelo Nacional de Simulación (MNS) realizó el día 1 de Septiembre 2022 un taller de capacitación cuyo objetivo fue mostrar las nuevas herramientas implementadas para modelar el efecto de cambio climático sobre el crecimiento de las plantaciones de Pino radiata en Chile. En esta oportunidad los instructores de la capacitación fueron el Sr. Christian Loayza, Sr. Carlos Valenzuela y Sr. Guillermo Trincado.
Convenio de Colaboración INFOR
El Centro Modelo Nacional de Simulación (MNS) ha firmado recientemente un convenio de colaboración con el Instituto Forestal (INFOR) para apoyar técnicamente en la “Actualización del Estudio de Disponibilidad de Madera de Plantaciones de Pinus radiata y Eucalyptus sp. (2021–2051)”. En particular, para incorporar el impacto del cambio climático en las estimaciones del rendimiento esperado de las plantaciones en las próximas décadas.
Instalación Parcelas Permanentes Bosques Los Lagos
Tuesday, June 7 and Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Se realizó una visita a predios de Bosques Los Lagos con el objetivo de seleccionar sitios para la instalación de parcelas permanentes del Modelo Nacional de Simulación (MNS). En la oportunidad se capacitó a las brigadas en el proceso de instalación y primera medición. Durante esta temporada serán instaladas 28 parcelas en rodales de Eucalyptus globulus e Híbridos localizados en la provincia de los Lagos.
Jornada Técnica 2022
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Se realizó la Primera Jornada Técnica 2022 del Centro Modelo Nacional de Simulación (MNS) siendo organizada en esta oportunidad por Forestal Mininco. Se visitó el ensayo “Paso del León” establecido el año 2008 (30.6 ha) para cuantificar el efecto de diversos regímenes de podas y raleos sobre el rendimiento de las plantaciones. Posteriormente, se visitaron en el predio “Los Álamos” ubicado en la zona de arenales del valle central diversas plantaciones de E. globulus, E. nitens y E. híbrido para evidenciar el efecto del cambio climático y ataque de gonipterus sobre el crecimiento de las plantaciones.
Taller de Capacitación
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
En el marco del proyecto CORFO “Adaptación al Cambio Climático en la Actividad Forestal, Productividad y Reducción de Impactos” (19BP-117312 ) se realizó el día 18 de Mayo 2022 en la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y RRNN de la Universidad Austral de Chile un taller de capacitación en el uso de nuevas capacidades incorporadas en el simulador INSIGNE para estimar el efecto del cambio climático sobre la productividad de las plantaciones de Pino radiata. Participaron en este taller 18 profesionales de la CONAF, Forestal Mininco, Forestal Arauco (BIOFOREST), Universidad Austral de Chile y Universidad de Concepción (MNS).