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Projecting our forests into the future


Permanent Staff

The MSN has permanent staff who are in charge of the different investigation units and provide technical support to its members.

Guillermo Trincado


Cristian Higuera

Database management

Luis Letelier     

Forest Biometrics

Christian Loayza 

Encargado de Sistemas

Associate Researchers

También se cuenta con el apoyo técnico de investigadores adjuntos que son académicos de nuestras universidades socias para el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación específicos. 

Rosa Alzamora

Forest Economics and Forest Management.

UdeC UdeC

Elvis Gavilán

Numerical Analysis.

UdeC UdeC

Luis Sánchez

Univariate and multivariate distributions

Uach Uach

Thesis Students

The integration of undergraduate and graduate students is also continuously promoted.

Óscar Tuero

Master of Science Mention ...

Uach Uach

Leandro Chaura

Forest engineering.

Uach Uach

Catalina Orellana

Forest engineering.

UdeC UdeC

Camilo Varas

Forest engineering.

UdeC UdeC

Rolando Hidalgo

Forest engineering.

UdeC UdeC

Consultores Nacionales o Internacionales

Over the years, many professionals and researchers have participated as members of the MNS and as National or International Consultants who have collaborated in model design, model development, and the technical evaluation of the simulation systems implemented.
