Two membership modalities have been established for forestry companies interested in becoming part of the MNS which is determined by the area of plantations owned by each company. The companies commit to establish and to maintain a network of trials and permanent plots that support the construction of growth simulation models. The membership commitment is for a minimum period of 3 years.
Full Member
For forestry companies with more than 20,000 hectares of assets, an annual fixed cost of 375 UF and an annual variable cost of 0.005 UF per hectare are considered. Additionally, the companies contribute resources to maintain the network of trials and permanent plots. At the end of each year, the total cost of the measurements is determined, and each company's contribution is calculated.
Associate Member
For forestry companies with less than or equal to 20,000 hectares, an annual fixed cost of 180 UF and an annual variable cost of 0.005 UF per hectare are considered. Unlike full members, only a contribution of data corresponding to the installation or remeasurement of silvicultural trials and/or permanent plots will be requested. The amount of this contribution must be approved by the Board of Directors.